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A 501 (c) 7 Non for Profit Organization

 Non-Profit /  Florida

The mission of the Colorado Association of School Nurses (CASN) is to provide leadership in the delivery of quality health programs to ensure educational success...

 Non-Profit /  Colorado

Established in 1957, the Arizona American Italian Club has always been involved with our community - whether it be through charity involvement, special events or...

 Non-Profit /  Arizona

The Mission of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences at South Carolina State University is to provide academically challenging programs that offer flexible learning...

 Non-Profit /  South Carolina

The WACPC, Inc. organization consists of coaches from the state of Wisconsin who shares a common goal of promoting and improving their leadership role in...

 Non-Profit /  Wisconsin

Through advocacy, education, and networking, the CT Association of School-Based Health Centers positions SBHCs as leaders in the broader healthcare system for CT’s children and...

 Non-Profit /  Connecticut

We are everyday people who talk, act and get things done on issues that impact us
 the most.

 Non-Profit /  Iowa

The Minnesota Asian Pacific American Bar Association (MNAPABA) is a community of Minnesota Asian Pacific American and Asian lawyers that supports one another, celebrates each...

 Non-Profit /  Minnesota

KCADP educates members of the Kentucky Legislature about why the death penalty is costly; out of step with modern thinking; risky; unfair, broken, and arbitrary; and unnecessary; and that victims’ families deserve more...

 Non-Profit /  Kentucky

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